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  • Şömine Modelleri | Decofire

    Wood Fireplaces Discover the Decofire Fireplace universe. Timeless and a great collection of unique models. View Collection Focus Odunlu şömineler Focus Holographic Focus Gazlı şömineler Focus Bioethanol Focus Outdoor Wood Fireplaces Discover the Decofire Fireplace universe. Timeless and a great collection of unique models. View Collection M-Design Odunlu şömineler Piazzetta Panoramic şömineler Boley Exclusive Wood Focus Odunlu şömineler Özel tasarım Odunlu şömineler Gas Fireplaces Decofire gas fireplaces are modern and minimal featuring high efficiency and high safety regulations. A large collection approved by GAZMER. View Collection M-Design U tipi Gazlı şömineler M-Design duvar tipi Gazlı şömineler Focus Gas M-Design L tipi Gazlı şömineler M-Design Çift taraflı Gazlı şömineler Bioethanol Fireplaces Bio ethanol fueled Ecosmart flueless fireplace product groups and ethanol fireplaces with international certification. View Collection Focus Bioethanol şömineler Ecosmart Bioethanol şömineler New Holographic 3d electric fireplaces View Collection Focus Holographic Made in France Evonic 4K Holographik şömineler Fire Tables A unique "fire table" collection with superior comfort and design under the Ecosmart brand. Lightweight acrylic concrete material is resistant to corrosion, scratches and stains. View Collection Ecosmart Sehpa şömineler Ak-47 Ateş çanakları RB-73 Corten sobalar Fire Tables A unique "fire table" collection with superior comfort and design under the Ecosmart brand. Lightweight acrylic concrete material is resistant to corrosion, scratches and stains. View Collection Beem Isıtma / Aydınlatma Dome Pendant Isıtma / Aydınlatma Dome Isıtma / Aydınlatma Fire Tables A unique "fire table" collection with superior comfort and design under the Ecosmart brand. Lightweight acrylic concrete material is resistant to corrosion, scratches and stains. Koleksiyonu İncele Model L Core Model L QUBE Model L Model L Heat Pizza Ovens Aesthetic technology and cooking Pizza Ovens Wood ,gas,Hybrit Koleksiyonu İncele Fire Kitchen German Design Cone BBQ German Design Pizza Ovens Aesthetic technology and cooking Pizza Ovens Wood ,gas,Hybrit View Collection Hoefats Masaüstü şömineler Hoefats Fire pits REFERENCES BIBLOS RESORT ALACATI PREFER DECOFIRE A first-class paradise located at the edge of the magnificent bay in Alaçatı. Byblos offers everything you need for an unforgettable holiday experience, from crystal blue waters to life-giving spa treatments, from the world's best dining options to surfing with the stars. While Biblos, Alaçatı's favorite hotel in recent years, welcomes its distinguished customers all year round, it adds a pleasant ambiance to its spaces with its Decofire gas fireplace products. ST.REGIS HOTEL ISTANBUL PREFER DECOFIRE Decofire Hotel Restaurant Cafe, which is a pioneer in realizing all new expansions in its sector, is one of the luxury hotel chains with its chimneyless fireplace collection. st. Regis' choice. You chose the models used Designed by the Turkish architectural bureau Decofire” cooperated with the most respected and prestigious brands of Europe in 2003 in order to present the new generation design fireplace and heating technologies products to architects and end users and to give the sector a corporate position. Brands that Türkiye Exclusive Distributor and sole authorized representative of; FOCUS CREATION France /Wood and gas fireplaces M-DESIGN Belgium /Wood and gas fireplaces PIAZZETTA Italy /Wood fireplaces /Stoves ECOSMART FIRE Australia /Ethanol fireplaces CINIER France /Design stone radiators /Towels HOEFATS Germany /Tabletop fireplaces/ Fire bowls/Barbecues/Accessories DELIVITA British /Pizza Ovens EVONIC British /Electric Fireplaces HEATSAIL Belgium /open space heaters BOLEY Holland /Custom made architectural fireplaces MONOLITH Germany /functional barbecues SCHIEDEL Metalotherm Germany /functional barbecues

  • Gas | Decofire

    Duvar tipi modeller U tipi modeller L tipi modeller Çift taraflı modeller Focus gazlı modeller Tasarım modeller Focus Fireplaces Focus brand, the inventor of the hanging fireplaces designed by Dominique Imbert, of which we are the distributor in Turkey, is a fireplace collection preferred by distinguished architects around the world, with high technology and high efficiency values since 1968. Made in France Single-sided fireplaces Suspended fireplaces U type fireplaces L type fireplaces Double sided fireplaces Design fireplaces Asma tip şömineler Single Sided gas fireplaces The single-faced models produced by the Belgian M Design, Europe's best natural gas fireplace manufacturer, whose Turkish representative is Decofire, are a wonderful collection with size options ranging from 60 cm to 200 cm. Made in Belgium M-Design CE / DIN PLUS Gazmer/Igdas Approved Eco-Green Plus RUSTICA GAS XL Tek cepheli gazlı şömine RUSTICA GAS L Tek cepheli gazlı şömine RUSTICA GAS M Tek cepheli gazlı şömine LUNA 1900 H DIAMOND GAS Single sided gas fireplace LUNA 1600 H DIAMOND GAS Tek cepheli gazlı şömine Luna 1300 H Diamond Gas Tek cepheli gazlı şömine LUNA 1150 H DIAMOND GAS Tek cepheli gazlı şömine LUNA 1000 H DIAMOND GAS Tek cepheli gazlı şömine TRUE VISION 1300 H QUATRO Tek cepheli gazlı şömine True Vision 850 V Gas Tek cepheli gazlı şömine True Vision 1000 V Gas Tek cepheli gazlı şömine TRUE VISION 1150 V GAS Tek cepheli gazlı şömine TRUE VISION 1300 V GAS Tek cepheli gazlı şömine RUSTICA GAS S Tek cepheli gazlı şömine TRUE VISION 850VL GAS Single sided gas fireplace Asma tip şömineler U type gas fireplaces U TYPE 3-sided models produced by M Design from Belgium, the best natural gas fireplace manufacturer in Europe, whose Turkish representative is Decofire. Made in Belgium M-Design LUNA 1600 DC DIAMOND GAS U type gas fireplace LUNA 1300 DC DIAMOND GAS U type gas fireplace LUNA 1000 DC DIAMOND GAS U type gas fireplace TRUE VISION1300 DC Quattro U type gas fireplace TRUE VISION 1050 DC GAS U type gas fireplace TRUE VISION 850 DC GAS U type gas fireplace TRUE VISION 550 DC GAS U type gas fireplace True-Vision-1300RD GAS U tipi gazlı şömine True-Vision-1000RD Gas U type gas fireplace Asma tip şömineler L type gas fireplaces L TYPE 2-sided right or left corner positioned models produced by M Design from Belgium, the best natural gas fireplace manufacturer in Europe, whose Turkish representative is Decofire. Made in Belgium M-Design LUNA 1600 CL/CR DIAMOND GAS L type gas fireplace LUNA 1300 CL/CR DIAMOND GAS L type gas fireplace LUNA 1000 CL/CR DIAMOND GASGAS L tipi gazlı şömine TRUE VISION 1050 CL/CR GAS L type gas fireplace TRUE VISION 850 CL/CR GAS L type gas fireplace Asma tip şömineler Double sided gas fireplaces Double-sided models produced by M Design from Belgium, Europe's best natural gas fireplace manufacturer, whose Turkish representative is Decofire. Made in Belgium M-Design LUNA 1900 DH DIAMOND GAS Double sided gas fireplace LUNA 1600 DH DIAMOND GAS Double sided gas fireplace LUNA 1300 DH DIAMOND GAS Double sided gas fireplace LUNA 1150 DH DIAMOND GAS Double sided gas fireplace LUNA 1000 DH DIAMOND GAS Double sided gas fireplace TRUE VISION 850 DV GAS Double sided gas fireplace TRUE VISION 1150 DV GAS Double sided gas fireplace TRUE VISION 850 DVL GAS Double sided gas fireplace TRUE VISION 550 DV GAS Double sided gas fireplace Asma tip şömineler Focus gas fireplaces Design models produced by Focus Domique Imbert, one of the first fireplace manufacturers in Europe, whose Turkish representative is Decofire. Made in France Focus Creation ERGOFOCUS GAS Focus Ceiling-mounted gas fireplace FILIOFOCUS 1600 GAS Focus Panoramic gas fireplace GYROFOCUS GAS Focus Ceiling-mounted gas fireplace Bathyscafocus GAS Focus Ceiling-mounted gas fireplace FILIOFOCUS MURAL GAS Focus Panoramic gas fireplace CURVIFOCUS GAS Focus Concave gas fireplace BOAFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace SLIMFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace MAGMAFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace MEIJIFOCUS GAS Focus Panoramic gas fireplace Asma tip şömineler Designer gas fireplaces Design models produced by Boley, Europe's best custom-made natural gas fireplace manufacturer, whose Turkish representative is Decofire. Made in Holland Boley Exclusive 186 870 SPECIAL 77 73 GAS BOLEY BG GAS ANTIQUE BRASS 4000 SPECIAL 2600 GAS MODERN 2000 GAS 2500 GAS 2600 B GAS 2500 U 2500 L GAS 2500 DH GAS 2000 4 SIDE 2000 U 2000 TUNNEL 1300 TUNNELS 2500 4 SIDE DOĞALGAZLI ŞÖMİNELER İnsanoğlu varoluşundan bu yana hep ateşle içiçe oldu. Gündelik yaşamındaki ihtiyaçlarında ateşi ısı,ışık hatta inanç kaynağı olarak kullandı. Ateş zaman içinde yeni cihazlar ve yakıt türleri ile gündelik hayatımızdaki vazgeçilmez yerini korudu. Dünya'daki zengin rezervleri ile temiz,verimli,ekonomik ve doğaya saygılı bir yakıt olan doğalgaz kullanımının son yıllarda yaygınlaşması bu yakıt türünde de hem ısıtma işlevi hem de görsel zevk sağlayacak ürünlerin tasarlanarak üretilme ihtiyacını doğurdu. Doğalgazlı şömineler bulunduğumuz modern çağda yaşadığımız mekanlara ateşi güvenli ve konforlu bir şekilde taşıyarak ona hükmetmek amacıyla üretildi. DOĞALGAZLI ŞÖMİNE FİYATLARI VE MODELLERİ Doğalgazlı şömineler müstakil yapıların vazgeçilmezlerinden olan şömineleri çok katlı yapılarda da depolama gerektirmeyen ve temiz bir yakıt olan doğalgazla;odun taşıma,is,kül gibi zahmetlere katlanmadan konforlu bir şekilde kullanmak için tasarlanmıştır.Aynı zamanda,sahip olduğu hermetik baca sistemiyle mevcut yapıyı renovasyona sokmadan ve yüksek baca maliyetleri yaratmadan mimarinin dekoratif unsurlarına minimal çizgisiyle maksimum katkı sağlamaktadır. Isı veriminden faydalanmak,mimariye dekoratif katkı sağlamak, yapılara değer ve konfor katmak. Doğalgaz tesisatının bulunduğu ve hermetik baca sisteminin uygulanbileceği her türlü yapıya uygulama yapmak mümkündür. Residence-apartman daireleri,müstakil evler,oteller,restoranlar,şirket merkezleri... DOĞALGAZLI ŞÖMİNE ÖLÇÜLERİ VE BOYUTLARI Doğalgazlı şömineler kapalı hazne sistemi ile çalışmaktadır. Hazne içerisinden yükselen baca borusu ile yanan atık gazlar tahliye edilirken aynı zamanda yanma için gerekli oksijen sağlanır. Bu fonksiyonlar eşmerkezli baca sistemi içerisinde gerçekleşir.Merkez boru yanma ile açığa çıkan gazları tahliye ederken dışarda kalan boru yanma için gerekli oksijeni temin eder. Bu sistem sayesinde artık bacanın çatıdan veya duvardan çıkması tercih edilebilir. Doğalgazlı şömineler manuel veya uzaktan kumanda ile kontrol edilebilir. Uzaktan kumanda radyo frekansı ile iletişim kurar.Aynı zamanda sahip olduğu termostat ile ortam sıcaklığı otomatik olarak kontrol edilebilir. Uzaktan kumanda ile termostat zaman ayarlı olarak da programlanabilir.Bu programlama sayesinde,şöminenin kapalı konumdayken dahi istenilen saatte çalıştırılıp kapatılması mümkündür. Uzaktan kumandanın kaybolması ve arızalanması ihtimaline karşılık şömine üzerindeki manuel kontrol devamlı devrededir. Doğalgazlı şöminelerin iç bölümünde çeşitli dekoratif taş seçenekleri mevcuttur.Seramik odun seti,beyaz taş yanısıra safir ve elmas gibi şöminenizi sıradışı görünüme kavuşturacak değerli taşları da tercih edebilirsiniz. Mevcut İç Tesisat Yönetmeliği'ne göre yalnızca İgdaş ve diğer gaz dağıtım kuruluşları tarafından onaylı doğalgazlı şömineler iç tesisat projelerinde kullanılabilir.Doğalgazlı şömine satın almaya karar verdiğinizde mutlaka bu onay belgesini satıcıdan talep ediniz.

  • Elektronik Burner | Decofire

    Decoflame Danish Design Danish Design We are committed to designing and building all of our fireplaces with technical excellence. This expertise is essential to create a product that meets the high standards we believe our customers deserve. One of our greatest strengths is our in-house design team, which allows us to create 100% personalized fireplaces based on each customer's specific wants and needs. It is important to select high quality, durable materials to produce a robust product that is both functional and long-lasting. This ensures an excellent user experience. Equipped with a range of safety sensors, fuel saving features and app control options, Decoflame fireplaces are intuitive and easy to use. Electronic Bioethanol Burner kit Denver F6 Bio Burner Options Decoflame’s Denver F6 burners range in length from 620 mm to 3920 mm. Developed and manufactured in our Danish facilities, these burners offer exceptional flexibility for projects of all sizes. Designed by Decoflame’s expert engineers, this product represents a groundbreaking innovation in modern fireplaces. The automatic burners are operated quickly and intuitively via the supplied remote control, the control panel or the Decoflame app for both iOS and Android. The dimensions of the latest electronic bioethanol collection Denver F6 range from 620 mm to 3920 mm. There are also 6 flame levels. Denver F6 Electronic Burner series Featuring patented BEV (Burning Ethanol Flames) technology, this product epitomizes impressive, luxurious additional heating solutions with advanced features such as 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, app control, Bluetooth connectivity and advanced security systems. In addition, it offers SmartHome integration and an externally automated refueling tank system with a custom-sized fuel tank, ensuring both continuous and efficient operation. DENVER F6 620mm-3910mm DENVER F6 1120mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 1120mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 1320mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 1320mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 1520mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 1520mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 1720mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 1720mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 1920mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 1920mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 2120mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 2120mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 2320mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 2320mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 2520mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 2520mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 2720mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 2720mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 2920mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 2920mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 3120mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 3120mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 3320mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 3320mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 3520mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 3520mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 3720mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 3720mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 3920mm 6 flame levels, ECO WAVE function, and wireless control via remote control and mobile app Top Plate Dimensions: L: 3920mm D: 215mm DENVER F6 Round 6 flame levels Minimum Dimensions (DxH): Ø530x250mm (excluding glass) DENVER F6 corner Top plate dimensions L: 1000mm D: 190mm L: 1000mm 6 flame levels DENVER F6 curved Top Plate Dimensions: Customizable to your preference 6 flame levels Online Catalogs Discover a wide range of electronic bioethanol fireplaces in our online catalogues. In addition, we offer advanced hybrid fireplaces that combine demineralized water and light to create the illusion of real flames, without smoke or soot. Our catalogues are designed to help and inspire you as you explore different design options, materials and technologies. We aim to make it easy for you to find the perfect fireplace for your home and lifestyle. Get Inspired

  • Modern Odunlu Şömine | Decofire

    Asma tip şömineler Duvar tipi şömineler Orta tip şömineler Çift taraflı şömineler Aksesuarlar Focus Fireplaces Focus brand, the inventor of the hanging fireplaces designed by Dominique Imbert, of which we are the distributor in Turkey, is a fireplace collection preferred by distinguished architects around the world, with high technology and high efficiency values since 1968. Made in France Suspended type fireplaces Wall mounted fireplaces Medium type fireplaces Double sided fireplaces Aksesuarlar Asma tip şömineler Focus Suspended type fireplaces Focus brand, the inventor of the hanging fireplaces designed by Dominique Imbert, of which we are the distributor in Turkey, is a wood-burning fireplace collection preferred by distinguished architects around the world, with high technology and high efficiency values since 1968 . Made in France Focus Creation Decofire is the representative of Ecosmartfire Turkey. GYROFOCUS OPEN Wood, Open type, 360® rotating, suspended from the ceiling. ERGOFOCUS OPEN Odunlu,Açık tip,Tavandan asılı 360® dönebilir. GYROFOCUS GLASS Made of wood, glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. GYROFOCUS WHITE Wood, Open type, 360® rotating, suspended from the ceiling. ERGOFOCUS GLASS Made of wood, glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. ERGOFOCUS WHITE Wood, Open type, 360® rotatable, suspended from the ceiling. DOMOFOCUS OPEN Wood, Open type, 360® rotating, suspended from the ceiling. PAXFOCUS DOMOFOCUS GLASS Made of wood, glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. DOMOFOCUS WHITE Wood, Open type, 360® rotating, suspended from the ceiling. Agorafocus 630 Wood, Glass, Ceiling-hung 360® panoramic SLIMFOCUS Wood, Ceiling Hanging, Minimal Eurofocus Heterofocus Antefocus BATHYSCAFOCUS HUBLOT Made of wood, glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. BATHYSCAFOCUS Wood, Open type, 360® rotating, suspended from the ceiling. BATHYSCAFOCUS WHITE Wood, Open type, 360® rotating, suspended from the ceiling. Duvar tipi şömineler Wall mounted fireplaces Focus , Piazzetta, M-design and Boley branded high technology centrally positioned wood fireplace collection, which we are the distributor of in Turkey, designed by Dominique Imbert and preferred by distinguished architects around the world. M-Design/Piazzetta Made in Belgium TAMPERE XL Piazzetta Design GOTEBORGH Piazzetta Design KIEL XL Piazzetta Design KIEL RIGA Piazzetta Design ALBORG Piazzetta Design MA 263 SL Piazzetta MA 261 SL Piazzetta MA 283 DS L tipi LUNA 1300 H Wall type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 1150 H Wall type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 1000 H Wall type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 850 H Wall type, Elevator glass cover Luna Diamond 1100CL CR L type corner elevator with glass cover LUNA 1150V Wall type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 1000V Wall type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 850V Wall type, with side opening glass cover MA 262 SL LUNA 700 H Wall type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 1150 DH Double-sided, elevator glass cover LUNA DIAMOND 800 DC U Type gas fireplace LUNA 1000 RD U type, Elevator glass cover LUNA 1000 DC U type, Elevator glass cover VENUS MBOX 850 VW VENUS MBOX 1000 VS Wall type, with side opening glass cover VENUM MBOX 730 VH Wall type, with side opening glass cover MA 261 SL PAXFOCUS Wood, Open type, Wall mounted EMIFOCUS HUBLOT DV Wood, wall mounted, glass EDOFOCUS 631 Wood, Wall mounted 270® panoramic. EUROFOCUS Wood, Glass, Rotatable ANTEFOCUUS Wood, open type, can be fixed to the wall. GRAPPUS Wall mounted HETEROPHOCUS Wall mounted fireplace with door NEOFOCUS Wall mounted glass horizontal fireplace Omegafocus Metafocus 2 Metafocus 6 Cosmofocus MA 263 SL Made in Italy MA 262 Made in Italy MA 283 DS Made in Italy MA 271 SL Made in Italy MA 260 SL Made in Italy MA 272 SL Made in Italy Orta tip şömineler Panoramic Fireplaces Focus , Piazzetta, M-design and Boley branded high technology centrally positioned wood fireplace collection, which we are the distributor of in Turkey, designed by Dominique Imbert and preferred by distinguished architects around the world. Boley Exclusive-Piazzetta Design-Focus Creation Made in Holland/France/Italy FILIOFOCUS WHITE Focus/ Made in France FILIOFOCUS Focus/Made in France MEZZOFOCUS VITERIAL Focus/Made in France MEIJIFOCUS Focus/Made in France FILIOFOCUS TELESCOPIQUE Focus/Made in France MALMO Automatic Elevator with Glass EUROPOCUS Focus/Made in France SLIMFOCUS ONBASE Focus/Made in France 997 Boley/ Made in Holland MARVIK Automatic Elevator with Glass OSLO Automatic Elevator with Glass DUNDEE Automatic Elevator with Glass OLDEN Automatic Elevator with Glass KELSO Automatic Elevator Glass Venus-850-HT Focus/Made in France ANTIQUE BRASS 186 77 73 CUSTOM 870 SPECIAL 73 BR Çift taraflı şömineler Double sided fireplaces Focus , Piazzetta, M-design and Boley branded high technology centrally positioned wood fireplace collection, which we are the distributor of in Turkey, designed by Dominique Imbert and preferred by distinguished architects around the world. M-Design/Piazzetta Made in Belgium 844 TUNNEL LUNA 850 DV WOOD MA 263 BSL 841 TUNNEL LUNA 1150 DH WOOD LUNA 1000 DV WOOD Accessories Design unique functional woodshed and tong sets Şömine Bbq eldiveni Out of stock CADIFOCUS Price ₺39,000.00 Ücretsiz gönderim STANNFOCUS Price ₺33,000.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Bioclean Fireplace glass cleaner Price ₺760.00 Ücretsiz gönderim DELTAFOCUS Out of stock KASIFOCUS Out of stock FIRE TOOLS Out of stock KYLINDROFOCUS Price ₺41,000.00 Ücretsiz gönderim MONOLITH CORDIERITE PIZZA STONE Price ₺5,000.00 Ücretsiz gönderim JOHNNY CATCH Cup Bottle opener Price ₺3,100.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Decofire, odunlu şöminelerde maksimum konfor ve işlevsellik hedefini benimser. Bu hedefe uygun olarak, koleksiyon dâhilindeki tüm ürünlerin yapım aşamasında yüksek kalite standartlarına bağlı kalınır. Böylece Decofire müşterileri;kısa süreli trendlerden uzak,verimli, uzun yıllar boyunca güvenle kullanılan, minimalist ve modern odunlu şömineler arasından seçimlerini yapabilir. Odunlu Şömineler Yaşam alanlarına modern şömine satın almak isteyenlerin dikkat etmesi gereken konuların başında verimlilik ve baca detayı gelir. Decofire odunlu şömine modelleri, verimlilik seviyeleri ile kullanıcı beklentilerini tam olarak karşılar. Yüksek kalite standartları doğrultusunda üretimde kullanılan çelik, şöminelerin uzun yıllar boyunca tüm işlevsel özelliklerini korumasını sağlar. Decofire odunlu şömine haznelerinin üretim teknolojisine bağlı olarak dayanıklı yapısı sayesinde, yanma alanında etkili ve verimli bir odun yanma süresi sunar. Kolay temizlenebilme özelliği, odunlu şömine seçiminde verimlilik kadar önemli bir diğer konudur. Üretim aşamasında kullanılan çelik ve cam aksamlar, ürünlere sağlamlığın yanında kolay temizlenme özelliği de kazandırır. Decofire, yanma alanlarındaki kül seviyesinin her daim düşük kalması amacıyla odunlu şömine haznesi tasarımında iki detaya yer verir. Şömine haznesi, tasarımındaki farklılık sayesinde baca çekiş klapeler sayesinde doğru yönlenmesini sağlar. Doğru baca kurulumu ile şömine üzerinde biriken dumanı çekerek hem temiz yanma hem de konfor seviyesinin yüksek kalmasına yardımcı olur. Decofire tercih eden bireyler, tasarım yönelimleri doğrultusunda dilerlerse farklı modern odunlu şömine çeşitlerine de yönelebilir. Decofire modern odunlu şömine koleksiyonundaki modeller, görünüm açısından da üst düzey bir tasarım ortaya koyar. Koleksiyonun geneline yumuşak hatlar ve siyah renk hâkimdir. Farklı tarzlardan hoşlananlar için koleksiyon dâhilinde alternatif renk ve model seçenekleri de bulunur. Decofire müşterileri, tasarım özelliklerinin beraberinde getirdiği avantajla salonlarının ve yaşam alanlarının dekorasyonunu kolayca zamansız hale getirebilir. Odunlu şömine Fiyatları ve Modelleri Decofire, odunlu şömine koleksiyonunda modern tarzdaki modelleri modern ve zamansız dokunuşlarla zenginleştirerek kullanıcıların beğenisine sunar. Böylece, tasarım alışkanlıklarını değiştirmek istemeyen bireylerle birlikte, yeni yaklaşımları denemekten hoşlananlar da aradıkları tarzda ürünleri rahatlıkla bulabilir. Örneğin, asma veya orta şömine modelleri ile mekanlarda ki estetik görünüm kolayca pekiştirilebilir. Tavandan asılı olarak anılan bu modellerin yerden yüksekliği, oturma düzenine göre ayarlanabilir. Bu özelliği sayesinde asma şömine modelleri, her açıdan görülen 360 derece döner haznesi sayesinde panoramik seyir deneyimi yaratır. Decofire modern odunlu şömine koleksiyonu, tasarıma ve konfora önem verenler için farklı çözümleri de bünyesinde barındırır. Bu çözümlerden biri olan asansör cam kapaklı şömine modelleri, özellikle duvar tipi şömine kullanmak isteyenler için ekstra rahatlık imkânı sağlar. Farklı ölçülerdeki cam ölçüleri ile çeşitli modeller mevcuttur. Asansör cam kapaklı şömine modelleri ayrıca yanma alanı içerisinde güvenliği arttıran,odun yüklemeyi kolaylaştıran verimli şömineler yaratılabilmesini de mümkün kılar. Minimalist çerçeveler vasıtasıyla özelleştirilebilen standart tipteki ürünlere ek olarak Decofire, koleksiyonunda tamamen özgün tasarımlara da yer verir. Mimarların Farklı ihtiyaçları göz önünde bulundurularak geliştirilen modern odunlu şömine modelleri, camda is yapmayı önleyen hava sirkulasyon sistemi ve metal seperatör özellikleri ile sıçramayı önleyendetaylarla ön plana çıkar. Duvar tipi odunlu şömine modelleri kategorisi altında sıralanan bu modellerde ayrıca L tipi U tipi camlı asansör kapaklı modeller mevcuttur. Odunlu şömine Ölçüleri ve Boyutları Şömine ölçülerinin, yaşam alanı olarak belirlenmiş bölüme net biçimde uyması şart değildir ve bu ölçüler her modelde aynı değildir. Decofire markaları ve modeller,i, kullanıcı beklentilerini eksiksiz karşılama hedefi doğrultusunda monoblok şömine haznesi modellerini farklı ölçülerde üretir. Şöminelerinden yüksek seyir zevki ve ısı almak isteyen mimarlar ve son kullanıcılar , Decofire odun şömine kategorilerinde ihtiyaç duydukları seçeneklere kolayca ulaşabilir. Decofire titiz çalışmalar sonucunda oluşturduğu koleksiyonda, farklı boyutlardaki kare modeller dışında dikdörtgen yatay odunlu şömine çeşitleri de bulunur. Küçük boyutlara sahip mekanlarda konforlu şömine alanları yaratmanın en etkili yolu, köşe şömine modellerine yönelmek olarak düşünülebilir. L tipi köşe odunl şömineler modeller, yer azaltıcı hatları dolayısıyla alanı verimli kullanmayı mümkün hale getirir. Decofire'ı ziyaret edenler, tıpkı kare ve dikdörtgen modellerde olduğu gibi köşe L ve U tipi şömine model versiyonları arasından seçim yapabilir.

  • Bioethanol | Decofire

    Burner Kitler Elektronik Burner Kitler Hazneli Burner Kitler Focus Bioethanol Sehpa Şömineler Masaüstü Şömineler Bioethanol Yakıtlar Focus Fireplaces Focus brand, the inventor of the hanging fireplaces designed by Dominique Imbert, of which we are the distributor in Turkey, is a fireplace collection preferred by distinguished architects around the world, with high technology and high efficiency values since 1968. Made in France Manual Burner Kits Electronic Burner Kits Chamber Burner Kits Focus Bioethanol Coffee table fireplaces Tabletop Fireplaces Bioethanol Yakıtlar Asma tip şömineler Bioethanol burner kits You can create a unique atmosphere with superior comfort and design with Ecosmart fireplace burner kits that offer clean burning , made by Decofire, the Turkish Representative . As an ethanol burner, it gives your imagination the freedom to complete any living space. Made in Australia Ecosmart Fire Ecosmart Bioethanol Burners Catalog XL1200 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 1200 mm W 195 mm D 112 mm İncele XL900 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 908 mm W 195 mm D 112 mm İncele XL700 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 700 mm W 195 mm D 112 mm İncele XL500 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 500 mm W 195 mm D 112 mm İncele BK5 Model Dimensions mm L 400mm W 317mm D 123mm İncele AB8 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 360 mm W 360 mm D 152 mm İncele AB3 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 260 mm W 260 mm D 94 mm İncele VB2 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm L 330 mm W 110 mm D 113 mm İncele Round 20 İncele Square 22 İncele Linear 50 İncele Linear 90 İncele Linear 130 İncele Linear 65 İncele Asma tip şömineler Chamber burner kits Feel the harmony of bioethanol burner kits that offer clean burning and chambers with superior comfort and design in this collection. The chambers are presented below in different sizes and types with internal burner kits. Made in Australia Ecosmart Fire Call us for special size options. Ecosmart Flex Fireboxes Catalog FLEX 18 SS Model Dimensions mm W 578mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 32 SS Model Dimensions mm W 1010mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FELX 42 SS Model Dimensions mm W 1265mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 50 SS MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1470mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 68 SS MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1930mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 86 SS MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2390mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 104 SS MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2850mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 122 SS MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 3310mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 158 SS MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 4230mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 86 SS BXL MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2390mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 86 SS BXL MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2390mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 104 SS BX2 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2851mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 104 BY BX2 MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2733mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 42 BY Model Dimensions mm W 1147mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 50 BY MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1352mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 68 BY MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1812mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 86 BY MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2272mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 104 BY MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2732mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 122 BY MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 3192mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 158 BY MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 4112mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 42 RC MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1206mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 50 RC MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1411mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 68 RC MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 1871mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 86 RC MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2331mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele FLEX 104 CR MODEL DIMENSIONS mm W 2791mm D 365mm H 807mm İncele Asma tip şömineler Electronic burner kits DANISH DESIGN Designed by Decoflame's expert engineers, this product represents a groundbreaking innovation in modern fireplaces. The automatic burners are operated quickly and intuitively via the included remote control, the control panel or the Decoflame app for both iOS and Android. The Denver F6, the latest electronic bioethanol collection, is available in sizes ranging from 620 mm to 3920 mm. It also has 6 flame levels. Made in Denmark Decoflame Electronic Bioethanol Collection DENVER F6 620mm-3910mm Asma tip şömineler Focus Bioethanol Designed by Dominique Imbert A new revolution in the world of fireplaces: Gyrofocus, Domofocus and Ergofocus are now also available in a bioethanol flueless version. The completely safe French-made electronic burner is operated by remote control. The smokeless combustion eliminates the need for an external chimney. This makes it possible to install it in areas where there is no chimney for a traditional wood or gas fireplace. Made in France Focus Creation Discover Focus Bioethanol Decofire is the representative of Ecosmartfire Turkey. GYROFOCUS BIOETHANOL DOMOFOCUS BIOETHANOL ERGOFOCUS BIOETHANOL Asma tip şömineler Coffee table fireplaces İç ve dış mekanlar da kullanmak üzere temiz yanma sunan bioethanol burner kitler ile konfigüre edilmiş bu hazır koleksiyonda farklı ebatlarda ve tasarımlarda sehpa şömine tipi veya mobilya tipi obje modelleri mutlaka beğeneceksiniz. Made in Austuralia Ecosmart Fire Buy Now MIX 600 Model Dimensions mm L 600mm W 600mm H 229mm İncele MIX 850 Model Dimensions mm L 850mm W 850mm H 319mm İncele POD 40 Model Dimensions mm L 1000mm W 1000mm H 504mm İncele ARK 40 Model Dimensions mm L 1000mm W 1000mm H 339mm İncele Nova 850 Model Dimensions mm L 850mm W 850mm H 310mm İncele Sidecar-24 Model Dimensions mm L 610mm W 610mm H 458mm İncele Chaser-38 Model Dimensions mm L 950mm W 950mm H 509mm [20in] İncele BASE 40 Model Dimensions mm L 1000mm W 1000mm H 339mm İncele Vertigo-50 Model Dimensions mm L 1270mm W 1270mm H 248mm İncele Mojito-40 Model Dimensions mm L 1000mm W 1000mm H 338mm İncele BASE 40 TEAK Model Dimensions mm L 1000mm W 1000mm H 339mm İncele WHARF 65 Model Dimensions mm L 1650mm W 1000mm H 339mm İncele COSMO 50 Model Dimensions mm L 1270mm W 762mm H 296mm İncele MANHATTAN 50 Model Dimensions mm L 1270mm W 762mm H 296mm İncele MARTIN 50 Model Dimensions mm L 1270mm W 762mm H 296mm İncele Daiquiri-70 Model Dimensions mm L 1800mm W 1000mm H 248mm İncele GIN 90 LOW Model Dimensions mm L 2272mm W 1098mm H 345mm İncele GIN 90 DINING Model Dimensions mm L 2272mm W 1098mm H 745mm İncele GIN 90 BAR Model Dimensions mm L 2272mm W 1098mm H 1045mm İncele BATTERIES 3L OAK Model Dimensions mm W 412mm H 484mm İncele PILLAR-3L BLACK MARBLE Model Dimensions mm W 412mm H 484mm İncele PILLAR 3L WHITE MARBLE Model Dimensions mm W 412mm H 484mm İncele T-LITE 8 Model Dimensions mm W 428mm H 539mm İncele GLOW Model Dimensions mm W 428mm H 539mm İncele POP 8L Model Dimensions mm W 450mm H 796mm İncele Asma tip şömineler Tabletop fireplaces The award-winning Decofire Spin fireplace model creates the most beautiful campfire atmosphere on your balcony, terrace or living room in a decorative glass cylinder. The design, which has a warm glow as a desktop fireplace, can be used safely with bio ethanol fuel. Designed in Germany Hoefat Buy Now SPIN 90 SILVER SPIN 120 SILVER SPIN 90 GOLD SPIN 120 GOLD SPIN 90 BLACK SPIN 120 BLACK SPIN 90 TORCH SILVER SPIN 120 TORCH SILVER Asma tip şömineler Bioethanol fuels *Bioethanol or simply 'ethanol' is a renewable energy source obtained by fermenting the sugar and starch components of plant by-products. These are generally made from products such as sugar cane and wheat. It is also made from products such as corn, potatoes, milk, rice, beets and recently grapes and bananas, and these depend on the agricultural power of the country in question. Today, bioethanol has many uses: It is mixed with petroleum to create a sustainable transportation fuel, it is used in cosmetics and other manufacturing processes, and it is also used in clean-burning, beautiful-flame fireplaces. *Monolith Organic Charcoal Designed in Germany Hoefat Buy Now BIOETHANOL FUEL/20 LT Price ₺4,000.00 Ücretsiz gönderim SPIN Bioethanol Gel Fuel Out of stock MONOLITH charcoal -8KG Price ₺3,800.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Bioethanol nedir? Bioetanol metil ispirto olarak da bilinen saf alkoldür. Bioetanol veya sadece 'etanol' bitkisel yan ürünlerin şeker ve nişasta bileşenlerini fermente etmek suretiyle elde edilen yenilenebiir bir enerji kaynağıdır . Bunlar genel olarak şeker kamışı, buğday gibi ürünlerdendir. Ayrıca mısır, patates, süt, pirinç, pancar ve son dönemde üzüm, muz gibi ürünlerden de yapılmaktadır ve bunlar söz konusu ülkenin tarım gücüne de bağlıdır. Bugün, bioetanol pek çok kullanıma sahiptir: Petrolle karıştırılarak sürdürülebilir bir ulaşım yakıtı oluşturur, kozmetik ve diğer üretim proseslerinde kullanılır ve temiz yanan, güzel alevli şöminelerde de kullanılır. Bacasız Şömine Nedir? Bacasız şömine bioethanol yakıt ile yanan, koku, duman, is yapmayan insan sağlığına zararı olmayan yeni nesil bir şömine çeşitidir. Bioethanol bacasız şömine yakıtı oldukça temiz yanar, dolayısıyla herhangi atık gaz çıkışı olmaz. Böylece yüksek baca maliyetlerine veya baca fan çekiş sistemlerine para ödemezsiniz. Portatif şöminelerimiz her türlü ortama sıcaklık ve dekoratif katkı sağlayan basit,pratik ve çevreci bir çözümdür. Ödüllü Tasarımlar EcoSmart Fire 2004 yılında global pazarda yerini almıştır ve aynı yıl Avustralya Tasarım Ödülü’nü kazanmıştır. Diğer ödüllerimiz arasında: 2011 IIDA/HD Award for Excellence - Aksesuarlar ve Özel Unsurlar (ABD) 2011 Yeni Ürün Ödülü – Dekoratif Ekipman (AVUSTRALYA) 2010 Editörlerin Seçimi Ödülü –En İyi Yeni Ürün (ABD) 2009 New York House Dergisi’nin Yenilikçi Çevreci Tasarım Ödülü (ABD) 2009 Avusturalya Uluslar arası Tasarım Ödülü (AVUSTRALYA)) 2009 Hearth & Home Vesta Ödülü (ABD) 2006 Interior Design Dergisi Yılın En İyisi "Roscoes" Ödülü (ABD) Bacasız Şömine Tasarım Şömine Serisi Temiz Yanma Tüm yakıt burner kit'in içine yerleştirilmiştir.Böylece tesisat borusu gerekmez.Ve lisanslı bioethanol yakıtınız temiz yanma gerçekleştirir, baca veya atık gaz tahliyesine gerek kalmaz. UL Sertifika Burner kitlerimiz UL sertifikalıdır ve böylelikle Flex Serisi haznelerimiz de UL sertifikalı kullanım için onaylanmıştır. ISO Certified Tüm ürünler ISO 9001:2008 standartlara haizdir. Tesisat ve Donatım bağlantısı gerekmez Tüm yakıt haznesi bağımsız olarak burner kit'in içine güvenli bir şekilde yerleştirilmiştir ve sizi gaz veya elektrik bağlantılarıyla gelen kurulum kısıtlamalarından ve maliyetlerden kurtarır. Dahili Aksesuarlar Her burner kit modeli ve diğer modeller ateşleme çakmağı,tutuşturma aparatı,özel başlıklı yakıt dolum bidonu ile birlikte gelir. Minimalist Koleksiyon, sıfır boşluklu bitiş uygulama detayları ile inşaatçılar, mimarlar, iç mimarlar, peyzaj mimarı ve ev sahipleri için sınırsız kurulum özgürlüğü ve esneklik sağlar. AISI 316 Paslanmaz Çelik Burner kit modelleri ve diğer dış mekan modelleri 316 kalite paslanmaz çelik olup paslanma ve atmosfer korozyonuna karşı yüksek koruma sağlar. Hızlı ve Kolay Kurulum Hemen hemen hiçbir montaj gerektirmeyen koleksiyon parçaları istenilen yere yerleştirilerek, hemen kullanmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Can the fireplace be extinguished before the fuel burns completely? Yes. The fireplace can be extinguished at any time before the fuel runs out. However, we recommend that you continue to burn until the fuel runs out. The extinguishing mechanism is for moments when you need to leave the house and not leave it on fire. How do I light my Ecosmart Bioethanol fireplace? The instruction booklet supplied with the product you purchased provides all the instructions you need to use the Ecosmart flueless fireplace safely and efficiently. Lighting the EcoSmart™ Fireplace is simple – just follow the instructions and you'll get the beautiful flames into your home in seconds. Are Ecosmart Fireplaces easy to install? EcoSmart™ Fireplaces are designed to be easy to install and operate. With no flue or pipe connections required, EcoSmart™ Fireplaces are very flexible and can be used at any stage of your interior decoration. Contact your distributor for detailed specifications What is the installation time? Actually, there is no real assembly. Our range of Designer Fireplaces and Fireplace Grills can simply be positioned where desired and immediately operated. Our Fireplace Chambers range is also designed to fit anywhere and be enclosed. Can Ecosmart Fireplaces be installed anywhere? Almost anywhere! Ecosmart flueless fireplaces are suitable for all but very small rooms. Details about assembly vary according to the model used, and all details are specified in the product user manual. Before applying Ecosmart, ask your local distributor whether permission is required from authorized institutions. This is subject to authorization in several countries. Are you sending a team for assembly? All of our products are designed to be easily installed and applied. Some Design Series models come disassembled and can be easily put together with the installation guide. The end user can do this himself or have a professional do it. Do you already have products suitable for my existing fireplace? Our burner kit and fireplace grate series can be used by placing them in open type (without glass cover) fireplaces that are already built and not used for various reasons. Pay attention to the minimum distances in such applications. Our fireplace grill series consists of products that contain an Ecosmart burner kit, which can be easily placed inside the existing fireplace or used in new fireplace designs. How to clean Ecosmart burner kits? All stainless steels can be easily cleaned by spraying on a soft damp cloth with a stainless steel cleaner spray sold in the markets and wiping. When the fireplace is lit and all the fuel is gone and the burner kit has cooled, you can hold it under hot water for a while to remove the bioethanol residues. It is normal for color fading to occur over time with burning on stainless steel. Does the fireplace heat the room it is in? Ecosmart fireplaces are highly efficient because they are flueless. There is no heat escape from the chimney, all the heat released as a result of combustion stays in the room. For heating capacities and volumes, please review the technical sheets of burner kit products. Clean Combustion all fuel burner your kit Thus, the plumbing pipe and your licensed bioethanol fuel performs clean combustion, chimney or There is no need for waste gas evacuation. AISI 316 Stainless Steel Burner kit models and other outdoor models are made of 316 quality stainless steel. It provides high protection against rusting and atmospheric corrosion. minimalist Collection, zero-space finish application with details It provides unlimited installation freedom and flexibility for builders, architects, interior designers, landscape architects and homeowners. No Plumbing and Rigging connection required Whole fuel tank burner independently your kit It is securely housed inside and frees you from the installation constraints and costs that come with gas or electrical connections. Quick and Easy Installation Collection pieces that require almost no assembly placed in the desired location, immediately to use is designed to. ISO Certified Each Ecosmart product is in ISO 9001:2008 standards. Included Accessories Each burner kit model and other models come with an ignition lighter, ignition apparatus, and a fuel filler canister with a special cap. Colors Stainless steel color for the collection interior and black colour can be selected with some exterior space products /Fire Tables 3 colors Observe the option. UL Certification Our burner kits UL certified and thus our Flex Series hoppers. UL certified approved for use. About Bioethanol Fuel

  • BARBEKÜ | Decofire

    DIAGOFOCUS BBQ Order now By Dominique Imbert Designed as a BBQ or Outdoor fireplace. Thanks to its stylish and modern wheel design, Diagofocus can be turned in any direction to benefit from heat or to be protected from smoke. SIGMAFOCUS BBQ Focus Brand by Dominique Imbert Matte black Dominique Imbert design barbecue that can be mounted on the wall. It can be closed when not in use and does not take up space with this functional feature. DIAGOFOCUS BBQ Order now By Dominique Imbert Designed as a BBQ or Outdoor fireplace. Thanks to its stylish and modern wheel design, Diagofocus can be turned in any direction to benefit from heat or to be protected from smoke. Focus Brand by Dominique Imbert Matte black Dominique Imbert design barbecue that can be mounted on the wall. It can be closed when not in use and does not take up space with this functional feature. DIAGOFOCUS BBQ Order now By Dominique Imbert Designed as a BBQ or Outdoor fireplace. Thanks to its stylish and modern wheel design, Diagofocus can be turned in any direction to benefit from heat or to be protected from smoke. SIGMAFOCUS BBQ Focus Brand by Dominique Imbert Matte black Dominique Imbert design barbecue that can be mounted on the wall. It can be closed when not in use and does not take up space with this functional feature. Order New generation barbecues Enjoy pleasant evenings with your friends and family. Enjoy the pleasure of award-winning, portable and perfectly designed barbecues. Transform an elegant hemisphere or a fire pit into a designer barbecue with matching planchas and grilling accessories. Even remove the accessories after your grilled barbecue party and enjoy your campfire with friends. Quick View BOWL TRIPOD 70 Fire bowl BBQ Set Out of stock Quick View CONE Price ₺73,700.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View CUBE Price ₺43,355.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View Beer Box Price ₺17,350.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View TRIPLE 120 Fire Bowl & Barbecue Set Price ₺44,380.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View Monolith Classic Pro Red Price ₺95,380.00 Ücretsiz gönderim

  • Pizza Oven | Decofire

    PORTABLE GAS PIZZA OVEN DESIGNED FOR OUTDOOR ADVENTURES! Built to the same standards as our DeliVita Pro, the Diavolo is the perfect portable pizza oven for outdoor adventures. Inside the box you'll find everything you need to get started - just add gas. Take the gift of pizza wherever you go! MADE IN YORKSHIRE WOODEN PIZZA OVEN Inspired by Italy and handmade in England, DeliVita offers maximum performance and the appearance of a designer object. It is very versatile and cooks meats, fish, vegetables, breads and of course outstanding pizzas with ease. Take the party anywhere with tabletop ease of use and share authentic wood-fired flavors with your loved ones. DELIVITA VERY BLACK ₺100,330.00 Price Ücretsiz gönderim View Details DELIVITA HALE GRAY ₺100,330.00 Price Ücretsiz gönderim View Details MADE IN YORKHIRE PIZZA OVEN Inspired by Italy and handmade in England, DeliVita offers maximum performance and a design object look. It is versatile and cooks meats, fish, vegetables, breads and, of course, outstanding pizzas with ease. Take the party anywhere with ease of use on the tabletop and share the authentic wood-fired delicacies with your loved ones. DIAVOLO GREEN Gas Pizza Oven ₺32,200.00 Price Ücretsiz gönderim View Details DIAVOLO BLUE Gas Pizza Oven ₺32,200.00 Price Ücretsiz gönderim View Details madeinItaly MADE IN YORKSHIRE HYBRID PIZZA OVEN Meet the Delivita PRO Pizza Oven The super-sized cooking space is twice the size of our standard ovens and cooks up to 3 pizzas per minute. Perfect for professional chefs and seasoned amateurs alike. Professional quality outdoor oven is twice the size of the classic DeliVita Eco, dual fuel for total control and is available in 4 colours. Cook 3 pizzas in a minute. Suitable for commercial and domestic use. Includes a regulated chimney and oven door. Inspired in Italy and hand-built in England, the DeliVita PRO delivers maximum performance with its size and hybrid fuel technology . DeliVita Pro heats up in just 25 minutes with dual fuel, giving you full control for any type of cooking. You can turn the comfort of gas and the aroma of a wood fire into a delicious experience by using either wood or gas or both fuels at the same time. DeliVita Pro is the chef's choice of wood oven. More information User Manual It is handmade in England. It can be used with wood and gas (natural gas/household type gas cylinder). It is produced in 4 colors. Pro Very Black, Pro Chilli Red, Pro Hale Grey, Pro Orange Blaze Delivita Pro offers Michelin restaurant quality Pizza and Meals. It can cook 3 pizzas at the same time in 4 minutes. In addition, it can cook meat, fish and vegetables simultaneously. Delivita Pro is designed to provide unique solutions for professional businesses and end users planning inviting outdoor kitchens. Can the fireplace be extinguished before the fuel burns completely? Yes. The fireplace can be extinguished at any time before the fuel runs out. However, we recommend that you continue to burn until the fuel runs out. The extinguishing mechanism is for moments when you need to leave the house and not leave it on fire. How do I light my Ecosmart Bioethanol fireplace? The instruction booklet supplied with the product you purchased provides all the instructions you need to use the Ecosmart flueless fireplace safely and efficiently. Lighting the EcoSmart™ Fireplace is simple – just follow the instructions and you'll get the beautiful flames into your home in seconds. Are Ecosmart Fireplaces easy to install? EcoSmart™ Fireplaces are designed to be easy to install and operate. With no flue or pipe connections required, EcoSmart™ Fireplaces are very flexible and can be used at any stage of your interior decoration. Contact your distributor for detailed specifications What is the installation time? Actually, there is no real assembly. Our range of Designer Fireplaces and Fireplace Grills can simply be positioned where desired and immediately operated. Our Fireplace Chambers range is also designed to fit anywhere and be enclosed. Can Ecosmart Fireplaces be installed anywhere? Almost anywhere! Ecosmart flueless fireplaces are suitable for all but very small rooms. Details about assembly vary according to the model used, and all details are specified in the product user manual. Before applying Ecosmart, ask your local distributor whether permission is required from authorized institutions. This is subject to authorization in several countries. Are you sending a team for assembly? All of our products are designed to be easily installed and applied. Some Design Series models come disassembled and can be easily put together with the installation guide. The end user can do this himself or have a professional do it. Do you already have products suitable for my existing fireplace? Our burner kit and fireplace grate series can be used by placing them in open type (without glass cover) fireplaces that are already built and not used for various reasons. Pay attention to the minimum distances in such applications. Our fireplace grill series consists of products that contain an Ecosmart burner kit, which can be easily placed inside the existing fireplace or used in new fireplace designs. How to clean Ecosmart burner kits? All stainless steels can be easily cleaned by spraying on a soft damp cloth with a stainless steel cleaner spray sold in the markets and wiping. When the fireplace is lit and all the fuel is gone and the burner kit has cooled, you can hold it under hot water for a while to remove the bioethanol residues. It is normal for color fading to occur over time with burning on stainless steel. Does the fireplace heat the room it is in? Ecosmart fireplaces are highly efficient because they are flueless. There is no heat escape from the chimney, all the heat released as a result of combustion stays in the room. For heating capacities and volumes, please review the technical sheets of burner kit products.

  • Projeler | Decofire

    Focus Creation 1968 den beri tüm Dünyada seçkin mimarların tercihi benzersiz bir koleksiyon. Meet the Team This is your Team section. Briefly introduce the team then add their bios below. Click here to editTürkiye distribütörü olduğumuz Dominique Imbert tasarımı asılı şöminelerin mucidi Focus markalı 1968 yılından beri yüksek teknoloji ve üst verimlilik değerlerine sahip Dünyada seçkin mimarların tercihi bir şömine koleksiyonu. GAZLI ŞÖMİNELER 360 dönebilir.Bioethanol Bacasız Versiyon BIOETHANOL ŞÖMİNELER 360 dönebilir.Bioethanol Bacasız Versiyon

  • Focus | Decofire

    ODUNLU GAZLI BIOETHANOL HOLOGRAPHIK BARBEKÜ AKSESUAR Focus Creation Discover the universe of Focus fireplaces. Focus fireplaces take shape from a simple sketch: Feel the touches of true design genius signed by Dominique Imbert. How are they made? Who are the experts who design and produce these? For 50 years, Focus has been striking a perfect balance between creativity and demanding technical standards. Focus invites you to explore its universe, from the beginning of the idea to the administrative offices and the production workshop where mastery truly comes into play. Focus metal workers produce special hardware for each stove and fireplace, making each model unique. Handmade production gives life to design and research studies by transforming the abstract into the concrete. Decofire has been the exclusive distributor of the Focus Creation brand in Türkiye for 17 years. Catalog Dünyada ki Focus Projelerini incele The Creator Dominique Imbert Before Dominique Imbert discovered her calling as a designer He worked as a Doctor of Sociology at La Sorbonne in Paris. “Am I a designer?” cannot find an answer to the question. “I didn't go to art school, I didn't study architecture, I didn't take a single drawing class, I didn't study painting, sculpture, fine arts, or art history. I haven't done any of that." Despite his reservations and innate humility, Imbert's contribution to the world of design has been extraordinary. When he founded Focus in the 1960s, he could never have imagined that his firm would win the French National Creation Award or that his work would be exhibited in contemporary art museums. Along with the productive warmth The search for a wood stove that provided aesthetic pleasure as well resulted in a revolution that continues to make waves in fireplace design. A design icon gyrofocus Gyrofocus continues to symbolize aesthetic perfection. The Guggenheim has been seen everywhere, from New York to the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art, from the wild deer observation lodge in Norway to the Cloudy Bay winery in New Zealand, to the spaces of distinguished architects in Japan and, of course, Turkey. Its effortless harmony with a variety of interior styles around the world continues to cement its place as the most iconic of all fireplaces. Over the past 45 years, GyroFocus has amassed an impressive collection of awards, medals and other distinctions, including the World's Most Beautiful Object, which received the Pulchra Design Award (Italy) in 2009. Gyrofocus is currently in its fifth decade of continuous production. Despite changes in fashion, taste and short-term trends, it remains as iconic today as it was in 1968. The Creator Before Dominique Imbert discovered her calling as a designer He worked as a Doctor of Sociology at La Sorbonne in Paris. “Am I a designer?” cannot find an answer to the question. “I didn't go to art school, I didn't study architecture, I didn't take a single drawing class, I didn't study painting, sculpture, fine arts, or art history. I haven't done any of that." Despite his reservations and innate humility, Imbert's contribution to the world of design has been extraordinary. When he founded Focus in the 1960s, he could never have imagined that his firm would win the French National Creation Award or that his work would be exhibited in contemporary art museums. Along with the productive warmth The search for a wood stove that provided aesthetic pleasure as well resulted in a revolution that continues to make waves in fireplace design. Focus Products WOOD Models with and without glass GAS Igdas/Gazmer Approved BIOETHANOL Chimneyless models HOLOGRAPHIC 3D Electric Focus Wood Fireplaces GYROFOCUS GLASS It can rotate 360 degrees, hanging from the ceiling. DOMOFOCUS GLASS Glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. ERGOFOCUS GLASS Glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. BATHYSCAFOCUS HUBLOT Glass, suspended from the ceiling, 360® rotatable. AGORAFOCUS 630 Glazed, 360® panoramic suspended from the ceiling. GYROFOCUS It can rotate 360 degrees, hanging from the ceiling. ERGOFOCUS Hanging from the ceiling, it can rotate 360 degrees. DOMOFOCUS It can rotate 360®, hanging from the ceiling. BATHYSCAFOCUS It can rotate 360®, hanging from the ceiling. EMIFOCUS HUBLOT DV Wall mounted glass fireplace GYROFOCUS WHITE It can rotate 360®, suspended from the ceiling. DOMOFOCUS WHITE It can rotate 360®, suspended from the ceiling. ERGOFOCUS WHITE It can rotate 360®, suspended from the ceiling. BATHYSCAFOCUS WHITE It can rotate 360®, suspended from the ceiling. PAXFOCUS Wall mounted. EDOFOCUS 631 270® panoramic that can be fixed to the wall. MEIJIFOCUS Panoramic design with 360 sliding glass. MEZOFOCUS GLASS MEZZOFOCUS Open type zen design. PHILIOFOCUS CENTRAL 1600 Panoramic design with sliding glass FILIOFOCUS TELESCOPIQUE Foldable telescopic head design. SLIMFOCUS Minimal hanging from the ceiling EUROPOCUS 360® rotatable, with glass ANTEFOCUS Open type that can be fixed to the wall. OMEGAFOCUS ''magnificent'' Focus Gas fireplaces ERGOFOCUS GAS Focus Ceiling-mounted gas fireplace FILIOFOCUS 1600 GAS Focus Panoramic gas fireplace GYROFOCUS GAS Focus Ceiling-mounted gas fireplace BATHYSCAFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace FILIOFOCUS MURAL GAS Focus Panoramic gas fireplace CURVIFOCUS GAS Focus Concave gas fireplace BOAFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace SLIMFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace MAGMAFOCUS GAS Focus gas fireplace MEIJIFOCUS GAS Focus Panoramic gas fireplace Focus Bioethanol fireplaces GYROFOCUS BIOETHANOL 360 degree rotation. Bioethanol Non-vented version DOMOFOCUS BIOETHANOL 360 degree rotation. Bioethanol Non-vented version ERGOFOCUS BIOETHANOL 360 degree rotation. Bioethanol Non-vented version Focus Electric fireplaces BATHYSCAFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC 3D Electric fireplace ERGOFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC 3D Electric fireplace Focus barbecues SIGMAFOCUS Functional barbecue DIAGOFOCUS Design barbecue and outdoor fireplace BUBBLE Fire pit Focus Accessories CADIFOCUS Woodshed and tongs set DELTAFOCUSS Woodshed and tongs set STANNFOCUS Woodshed and tongs set KASIFOCUS Woodshed and tongs set KYLINDROFOCUS Woodshed and tongs set EOLIFOCUS Bellows UFOCUSS Woodshed Awards and Honors Our products have been deemed worthy of many international awards in the places where they are exhibited. Design technology Eco-friendly Best artist-craftsman in the Languedoc-Roussillon region (1976) Selected for the Premio Design Italiano (Rome 1992) Design and Innovation award winner (Toulouse 1993) National Prize for Creation, awarded by the French Trade Minister (Paris 1995) Innovation Prize at the Batimat trade show (Paris 1999) Export Award at ‘Avenir 2000’ (Paris 2000) Selected by Norman Foster and Associates (London 2000) First prize ‘Concours de l’Excellence’ by the Chamber of Trades (Montpellier 2001) 3 Gold ‘Trophées du Design’ at the Batimat trade show (Paris 2001, 1997, 1994) Selected as one of the ‘Top 100 best French companies’ (first in Languedoc-Roussillon) (L’Entreprise magazine, July 2003) Silver medal at the ‘Concours du Design’ (Stuttgart 2004) 4 Silver ‘Trophées du Design’ at the Batimat trade show (Paris 2007, 2005, 1995, 1993) Winner in an online competition for (Germany 2009) Nominated for the ‘Observeur du Design’ prize (Paris): 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017(Cubifocus) First prize for 'World's most beautiful object (Pulchra design awards, Italy, 2009) Nominated for the ‘Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany’ : 2010, 2011, 2014, 2017(Slimfocus) Reward for the “most inspired creation of Helsinki Design Week” on 2010 Superflame Prize 2009 of polish review Świat Kominkow for the overall achievement. Prix de la Performance - Journal "Les Echos" - Montpellier 2011 Star 'Observeur du Design (Paris 2002, 2013) Winner Interior Innovation Award 2014 and 2015 (Germany) Winner Reddot award 2014 (Essen - Germany) Winner of the German Design Award in Gold 2017 - Slimfocus Hearth & Home exhibition (Harrogate - Angleterre) Curvifocus: Winner "product of the year 2017" and "gas appliance of the year" Winner of the German Design Award in Gold 2019 - Boafocus Winner of the NAN ARQUIRECTURA in 2019 (Spain) – Simfocus Hotel Designs Brit List Awards 2020 (UK) - Focus EcoDesign Ready Fireplace « Highly Commended »


    HOLOGRAPHIK® fireplace is a new fire experience. The technology was designed by Focus Creation. ''Made in France'' Asma tip şömineler Holographic Fireplaces Our holographic models offer an innovative approach to electric fireplaces, combining the latest projection technology with contemporary design. The range features 3D ultra-realistic flame effects that provide a captivating and lifelike fire experience without the need for traditional fuel. The HOLOGRAPHIK® series also has models that can be hung from the ceiling and rotated 80°. HOLOGRAPHIK® consumes less than 30 watts and therefore almost no electricity. It can be turned on and off at the touch of a button. The chimney is purely decorative and its length is adjusted to any ceiling height. Made in France/UK Focus/Evonic BATHYSCAFOCUS 4K Holographik ERGOFOCUS 4K Holographik Genesis 1860 4K Holographik GENESIS 1250 4K Holographik Genesis 1500 4K Holographik Octane 1500 Çift taraflı 4K Holographik şömine ERGOFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC Review BATHYSCAFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC Review FOCUS has been setting standards worldwide for over 50 years. The new BATHYSCAFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIK® is suitable for any interior. This is the fireplace of the future. It works through a unique holographic system with an immersive design where ultra-realistic Flames are positioned in 3D on natural ceramic logs. This technology creates an astonishingly realistic holographic fire with sensory delight, enhanced by the familiar sound of a crackling wood fire without the need for a chimney. FOCUS, by designing more than a fireplace, brings new experiences to every place without a chimney in Turkey through Decofire. A patent with 10 highly innovative technological innovations makes the HOLOGRAPHIK® fireplace unique by combining design. It brings tradition together with the future for the Made in France label. This series consists of two iconic models: The BATHYSCAFOCUS exhibited by the Stockholm Museum of Modern Art is the first of these models. Zero Emissions HOLOGRAPHIK® fireplaces have no fuel supply and are also extremely energy efficient, emission-free. Only one electrical outlet is needed, which means the fireplace can be installed almost anywhere in a wide variety of interiors. Review Safe and easy use Another of these models, the ERGOFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIK®, can be suspended from the ceiling and rotated by 80°, allowing you to enjoy the fire from almost any angle. With this contemporary technology, the holographic electric fireplace poses no fire risk and does not generate sparks, making it perfect for a bedroom, common area or any project where comfort and safety are required. HOLOGRAPHIK® consumes less than 30 watts and therefore almost no electricity. The HOLOGRAPHIK® is easy to use and can be turned on or off at the touch of a button. HOLOGRAPHIK® is the solution for those who want to enjoy fire in rooms that are not normally suitable for fireplaces. The chimney is purely decorative and its length is adjusted to any ceiling height. Discover Focus Collections Contact us Review TEKLİF İSTE FOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC Send You will be contacted as soon as possible. We thank you. +90 212 34716 55 Holografik Şömineler - Holografik şöminelerimiz hakkında düzenli olarak sorular alıyoruz. En yaygın konulardan bahsetmek istiyoruz. Holografik şöminenin avantajları Holografik şömineler çok sayıda avantaj sunar. Bakım gerektirmez, kurulumu ve kullanımı kolaydır, baca gerektirmez ve alev düzenini ve ısıtmayı bağımsız olarak kontrol etme esnekliği sunar. Dahası, zararlı emisyon üretmediklerinden NetZero olarak da adlandırılan güvenli ve çevre dostudurlar. Gaz ve odun ateşlerinin emisyonlar ve kurulum seçenekleri konusunda oldukça fazla kısıtlaması varken, holografik şömine kelimenin tam anlamıyla her yere kurulabilir. Tüm bunlar, kütüklere yansıtılan 3D hologramlar aracılığıyla benzeri görülmemiş derecede gerçekçi bir yangın deneyimi sağlarken. İnanmak için görmelisiniz! Holografik şömine nasıl kurulur? Holografik şömine kurmak, şık ve modern bir görünüm arayanlar için popüler bir seçimdir. Bunu yapmak için, öncelikle doğru konumu belirlemeli ve gerekli elektrik bağlantısının yerinde olduğundan emin olmalısınız. Cinewall efekti için yaygın bir konum televizyonun altıdır. Ancak holografik ortam şöminelerimizle, kurulum seçenekleri açısından yaratıcılığınızı serbest bırakabilirsiniz. Bir yatak odası, tekne, restoran, çatı katı, daire, otel lobisi veya oda: Bu şömineler sonsuz kurulum konumuna sahiptir. Holografik şömine mi gazlı şömine mi? Holografik şömine ile gazlı şömine arasında seçim yapmak ihtiyaçlarınıza ve tercihlerinize bağlıdır. Holografik şömineler genellikle kurulumu daha kolaydır ve gaz bağlantısı gerektirmez - bu, holografik şömineler için bir olasılıklar dünyasının kapılarını açar. Ayrıca daha fazla tasarım esnekliği sunarlar ve daha çevre dostudurlar. Öte yandan gazlı şömineler anında ısı ve gerçek bir alev sunar, ancak bir baca ve gaz bağlantısı gerektirir. Hem holografik şöminelerimiz hem de gazlı şöminelerimiz gerçek bir ateşi olabildiğince gerçekçi bir şekilde taklit eder. Isıtıcıya özelliğine sahip holografik şöminelerimiz atmosferik ısıtma sağlayan bir ısıl güç çıkışa sahiptir. Gazlı şöminelerimiz, türüne bağlı olarak çok daha fazla güce sahiptir ve bu nedenle örneğin yerden ısıtmaya tamamlayıcı olarak yardımcı ısıtma olarak kullanılabilir. Holografik şömine mi odun ateşi mi? Holografik şömineler odun şöminelerinden daha temiz ve bakımı daha kolaydır. Atmosferik ısı sağlarlar ve odun stoğu veya baca gerektirmezler. Ayrıca holografik şömine ile çevre ve kurulum kısıtlamalarını da dikkate almanıza gerek kalmaz. Öte yandan odun şömineleri otantik bir ateş deneyimi sunar ve daha fazla teknik süreç ve bakım gerektirir - Odun severlerin açıkça sorun yaşamadığı bir şey. Holografik şömineler özgürlük ve dayanıklılığı temsil ederken, odun şöminelerimiz otantikliği ve en saf haliyle ateşi temsil eder. İkisi arasındaki seçim, rahatlık ve estetik tercihinize bağlıdır. TV altı holografik şömine TV altında holografik şömine, aynı zamanda cinewall olarak da bilinir. Holografik şöminenin güç tüketimi, ortalama bir TV'ninkine benzer şekilde 110 watt'tır. TV altında 3D hologram efekti, yaşam alanınızda gerçek bir göz alıcı yaratır. Holografik koleksiyonumuz, şömineyi TV'nizle hizalayabilmeniz için çeşitli ebat versiyonları mevcuttur.

  • Dış Mekan Şömine/Isıtıcı| Decofire

    Ecosmart Şömineler AK-47 Ateş Çanakları Corten Sobalar Portatif Ateş Çanakları Tüplü Isıtıcı Şömineler Pellet Isıtıcı Şömineler Gazlı Sehpa Şömineler Masaüstü Şömineler Focus Fireplaces Focus brand, the inventor of the hanging fireplaces designed by Dominique Imbert, of which we are the distributor in Turkey, is a fireplace collection preferred by distinguished architects around the world, with high technology and high efficiency values since 1968. Made in France Bioethanol coffee table fireplaces Wood fire bowls Outdoor stoves Portable fire bowls Tube heaters Pellet Isıtıcılar Gas coffee table fireplaces Asma tip şömineler Ecosmart Coffee Table Fireplaces A unique collection with superior comfort and design with bioethanol burner kits that offer clean burning. Lightweight acrylic concrete material and top quality stainless steel products are resistant to atmospheric corrosion, scratching and abrasion. Fuel:Bioethanol Made in Australia Ecosmart Fire Decofire is the representative of Ecosmartfire Turkey. Ecosmart Outdoor Fireplaces Catalog MIX 850 POD 40 ARK 40 BASE 40 Sidecar-24 Please call for detailed information. Chaser-38 Please call for detailed information. Vertigo-50 Please call for detailed information. Mojito-40 Please call for detailed information. BASE 40 TEAK WHARF 65 COSMO 50 MANHATTAN 50 MANHATTAN 50 Teaks MARTIN 50 GIN 90 LOW Daiquiri-70 Please call for detailed information. GIN 90 CHAT GIN 90 DINING GIN 90 BAR STIX LIGHTHOUSE 150 Pillar-3L OAK Pillar-3L White Marble Pillar-3L Black Marble LIGHTHOUSE 600 Asma tip şömineler Fire bowls The characteristic feature of outdoor fireplaces is undoubtedly that they can easily adapt to different architectural trends and layouts. They can also be used as barbecues when timeless designs are desired in perfect harmony with the natural landscape. Fuel:Wood Made in Italy AK-47 DESIGN AK-47 Outdoor Catalog MOON Zero Ceramic Moon Plus Damo Plus ZERO Ercole Rainforest Brown Ercole Basic Rondo Miniatura Zen Miniature fuocolo ZERO BIANCO TOAST Artu OPERA Asma tip şömineler Outdoor stoves These unique outdoor wood-burning fireplaces, handmade in the Netherlands, are resistant to corrosion with their copper alloy cor-ten steel structure. You can easily install the collection products yourself and enjoy your terrace and garden. Fuel:Wood Made in Holland RB-73 Rb 73 Catalog RB73-Quaruba-XXL RB73-Quaruba-L RB73-Quaruba-XL RB73-Fennek-50 RB73_Quercus RB73-Fennek-80 Piquia BIJUGA Asma tip şömineler Portable fire bowls Design, ease of use and portable features come together in outdoor fireplaces. This collection can also be used as a barbecue when desired, in perfect harmony with its complementary accessories, to define a wood-fueled visual feast. Fuel:Wood Designed in Germany Hoefats Buy Now BUBBLE BOWL BOWL TRIPOD CUBE BEER-BOX MOON-45 LOW MOON-45 HIGH Asma tip şömineler Tube Heater fireplaces Designed as an outdoor heater and outdoor fireplace, Marino; combustion occurs with a daily used tube. With its light and wheeled structure, it becomes a portable heater for outdoor use. With the warmth, light and inviting feature of the fire, it is also frequently preferred in the hospitality sector such as Hotel Restaurant and Cafe. The high efficiency values have a positive effect on outdoor heater costs in terms of business. Marino, which can adapt to many architectures with its different colors and Cortensteel alternatives, can be easily positioned in residential, garden, pergola, winter garden and also in commercial business areas as an outdoor heater with its compatible dimensions . Fuel: LPG Made in Holland Sunwood More information MARINO BLACK MARINO ANTRACITE MARINO WHITE Asma tip şömineler Tube Heater fireplaces Designed as an outdoor heater and outdoor fireplace, Marino; combustion occurs with a daily used tube. With its light and wheeled structure, it becomes a portable heater for outdoor use. With the warmth, light and inviting feature of the fire, it is also frequently preferred in the hospitality sector such as Hotel Restaurant and Cafe. The high efficiency values have a positive effect on outdoor heater costs in terms of business. Marino, which can adapt to many architectures with its different colors and Cortensteel alternatives, can be easily positioned in residential, garden, pergola, winter garden and also in commercial business areas as an outdoor heater with its compatible dimensions . Fuel: LPG Made in Holland Sunwood More information PRIMATO L HEAT PRIMATO L CORE PRIMATO L QUBE Asma tip şömineler Gas table fireplaces You can use an outdoor fireplace Habanero natural gas or gas cylinder comfortably and safely in your garden or outdoor area by connecting. It is designed as a portable heater and a functional coffee table in your outdoor area with its Corten Coffee Table feature. It is also frequently preferred in the hospitality sector such as Hotel Restaurant and Cafe with the warmth, light and inviting feature of the fire. Fuel:GAS Made in Holland Sunwood HABANERO SMALL.jpg Please call for detailed information. HABANERO MEDIUM.jpg Please call for detailed information. HABANERO LARGE.jpg Please call for detailed information. Asma tip şömineler Tabletop Fireplaces The design award-winning model creates the most beautiful campfire atmosphere on your balcony, terrace or living room in a decorative glass cylinder. The design with a warm glow can be used safely with bio ethanol fuel. Designed in Germany Hoefat Buy Now Quick View SPIN 90 GOLD Price ₺13,320.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN 90 SILVER Price ₺10,850.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN 90 BLACK Price ₺11,770.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN 120 GOLD Price ₺17,160.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN 120 BLACK Out of stock Quick View SPIN 120 SILVER Price ₺13,935.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View GRAVITY CANDLE Price ₺3,600.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View Gravity Candle Metal Leg Price ₺6,000.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View GRAVITY Candle Hanger Price ₺4,480.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN 90 GARDEN TORCH Price ₺13,990.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN 120 GARDEN TORCH Price ₺20,500.00 Ücretsiz gönderim Quick View SPIN Bioethanol Gel Fuel Out of stock

  • Electric | Decofire

    3D Elektrikli Şömine 4K Holographic Şömine Focus Fireplaces Focus brand, the inventor of the hanging fireplaces designed by Dominique Imbert, of which we are the distributor in Turkey, is a fireplace collection preferred by distinguished architects around the world, with high technology and high efficiency values since 1968. Made in France 3D Electric Holographic Asma tip şömineler 3D Electric Fireplaces The UK-made electric fireplace models with Ultra HD® effect are part of the innovative Evonic collection. The built-in models come with a wood effect accessory, anti-reflective front and side glass options and are operated with the Evonic Fires e-touch app. Made in UK Evonic Halo 2400 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1800 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1500 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1250 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1000 3D Electric fireplace Halo 2400 U type 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1800 U type 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1500 L type 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1500 U type 3D Electric fireplace Electra 1250 U type 3D Electric fireplace Halo 1030 Double sided 3D Electric fireplace Halo 800 3D Elektrikli şömine Halo 800 U type 3D Electric fireplace Halo 800 TL L type 3D Electric fireplace Creative 810 Double-sided 3D Electric fireplace Asma tip şömineler Holographic Fireplaces Our holographic models offer an innovative approach to electric fireplaces, combining the latest projection technology with contemporary design. The range features 3D ultra-realistic flame effects that provide a captivating and lifelike fire experience without the need for traditional fuel. The HOLOGRAPHIK® series also has models that can be hung from the ceiling and rotated 80°. HOLOGRAPHIK® consumes less than 30 watts and therefore almost no electricity. It can be turned on and off at the touch of a button. The chimney is purely decorative and its length is adjusted to any ceiling height. Made in France/UK Focus/Evonic Genesis 1860 4K Holographik Genesis 1500 4K Holographik GENESIS HOLOGRAPHIC 4K Holographik Octane 1500 Çift taraflı 4K Holographik şömine ERGOFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC 4K Holographik BATHYSCAFOCUS HOLOGRAPHIC 4K Holographik

  • Showroom | Decofire

    Decofire invites you to have coffee in a minimalist gallery environment to discuss your architectural fireplace projects. Please make an appointment. Get directions

  • MODEL L | Decofire

    Ekolojik, yenilikçi ve benzersiz bir ürün MODEL L kompakt bir versiyon olup, herhangi bir montaj gerektirmemesi avantajına sahiptir. Model L, minimal tasarıma ve uygun fiyata sahip, her durumda Primato teknolojisinin tamamını içeren bir dış mekan ısıtıcısıdır. Siyah boyalı zarif versiyonu mevcuttur. Restoranlar, oteller veya özel teraslar için mükemmeldir; günün veya yılın herhangi bir zamanında donmadan açık havada atmosferik anlar için. Primato Model L sadece güzel bir ortam yaratmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda radyant ısıtıcı olarak rahat bir sıcaklık da sağlıyor. Yenilikçi ve patentli pelet piroliz ısıtma sistemi, yıllar süren geliştirme çalışmalarının sonucudur ve bu versiyonuyla piyasada benzersizdir. Bir elektronik kontrol ünitesi sistemi ve dolayısıyla yanma/gazlaştırmayı kontrol eder. Bu, piroliz sürecini ateşlemeden kapatmaya kadar istikrarlı ve güvenli hale getirir. 6 mm çapında pellet kulanılması uygundur Pratik kolu kullanarak brülörü yanma odasına yerleştirin. Peletleri brülöre yükleyin ve hızlı tutuşma için Ecofire Gel uygulayın. Güç Bankasını bağlayın ve yeşil doğrulama ışığının yanmasını bekleyin. DÜŞÜK İŞLETME MALİYETİ Pelletin asgari işletme maliyetleri döngüsünü ekonomik, ekolojik ve zararsız bir yakıt olması, doğalgaz gibi regülasyonlara tabi olmadan, halka açık ve özel alanlarda dış mekanda (teraslar, sundurmalar, kış bahçeleri) vb. alanlarda düşük maliyetle kullanın. 29 TL / h 174 TL / 6h X 7.0 Kw MALİYET

  • MODEL L QUBE | Decofire

    Ekolojik, yenilikçi ve benzersiz bir ürün MODEL L'nin daha kompakt ve daha güçlü versiyonu olup, herhangi bir montaj gerektirmemesi avantajına sahiptir. Qube, minimal tasarıma ve uygun fiyata sahip, her durumda Primato teknolojisinin tamamını içeren bir dış mekan ısıtıcısıdır. Siyah boyalı zarif versiyonu veya gerçek Corten'deki modaya uygun versiyonu mevcuttur. Restoranlar, oteller veya özel teraslar için mükemmeldir; günün veya yılın herhangi bir zamanında donmadan açık havada atmosferik anlar için. Primato Model L sadece güzel bir ortam yaratmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda radyant ısıtıcı olarak rahat bir sıcaklık da sağlıyor. Yenilikçi ve patentli pelet piroliz ısıtma sistemi, yıllar süren geliştirme çalışmalarının sonucudur ve bu versiyonuyla piyasada benzersizdir. Bir elektronik kontrol ünitesi sistemi ve dolayısıyla yanma/gazlaştırmayı kontrol eder. Bu, piroliz sürecini ateşlemeden kapatmaya kadar istikrarlı ve güvenli hale getirir. 6 mm çapında pellet kulanılması uygundur Pratik kolu kullanarak brülörü yanma odasına yerleştirin. Peletleri brülöre yükleyin ve hızlı tutuşma için Ecofire Gel uygulayın. Güç Bankasını bağlayın ve yeşil doğrulama ışığının yanmasını bekleyin. DÜŞÜK İŞLETME MALİYETİ Pelletin asgari işletme maliyetleri döngüsünü ekonomik, ekolojik ve zararsız bir yakıt olması, doğalgaz gibi regülasyonlara tabi olmadan, halka açık ve özel alanlarda dış mekanda (teraslar, sundurmalar, kış bahçeleri) vb. alanlarda düşük maliyetle kullanın. 29 TL / h 174 TL / 6h X 7.0 Kw MALİYET

  • MODEL L CORE | Decofire

    Ekolojik, yenilikçi ve benzersiz bir ürün MODEL L'nin daha kompakt ve daha güçlü versiyonu olup, herhangi bir montaj gerektirmemesi avantajına sahiptir. CORE, minimal tasarıma ve uygun fiyata sahip, her durumda Primato teknolojisinin tamamını içeren bir dış mekan ısıtıcısıdır. Siyah boyalı zarif versiyonu veya gerçek Corten'deki modaya uygun versiyonu mevcuttur. Restoranlar, oteller veya özel teraslar için mükemmeldir; günün veya yılın herhangi bir zamanında donmadan açık havada atmosferik anlar için. Primato Model L sadece güzel bir ortam yaratmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda radyant ısıtıcı olarak rahat bir sıcaklık da sağlıyor. Yenilikçi ve patentli pelet piroliz ısıtma sistemi, yıllar süren geliştirme çalışmalarının sonucudur ve bu versiyonuyla piyasada benzersizdir. Bir elektronik kontrol ünitesi sistemi ve dolayısıyla yanma/gazlaştırmayı kontrol eder. Bu, piroliz sürecini ateşlemeden kapatmaya kadar istikrarlı ve güvenli hale getirir. 6 mm çapında pellet kulanılması uygundur Pratik kolu kullanarak brülörü yanma odasına yerleştirin. Peletleri brülöre yükleyin ve hızlı tutuşma için Ecofire Gel uygulayın. Güç Bankasını bağlayın ve yeşil doğrulama ışığının yanmasını bekleyin. DÜŞÜK İŞLETME MALİYETİ Pelletin asgari işletme maliyetleri döngüsünü ekonomik, ekolojik ve zararsız bir yakıt olması, doğalgaz gibi regülasyonlara tabi olmadan, halka açık ve özel alanlarda dış mekanda (teraslar, sundurmalar, kış bahçeleri) vb. alanlarda düşük maliyetle kullanın. 29 TL / h 174 TL / 6h X 7.0 Kw MALİYET

  • About Us | Decofire

    NORMLAR VE ONAYLAR Hizmetler Özellikler Metin Hizmetler Metin bölümünün kopyası Decofire fashion for fire Decofire has been at the forefront of modern and architectural fireplace and chimney solutions for over 20 years. As the general distributor of the most prestigious architectural fireplace brands in Europe and the world in Turkey, it supplies luxury, design fireplaces to some of the most exclusive homes and hotels with engineering project management, manages all chimney technical processes and creates unique fireplaces with distinguished architects, designers and end users. Who we are Architectural Fire Makers 01 MultiBrand “Decofire” entered the Turkish and Middle Eastern markets in 2003 by collaborating with Europe's most respected and prestigious brands in the field of fireplace technologies. With its experience in the Fireplace and Heating sector and its service approach, it operates as the distributor of leading brands operating in the world in "Decofire" design fireplace systems. 03 Services The team of sales and installation engineers, who have received their training on fireplaces from the brands we distribute, consists of experienced personnel who have worked in world-scale companies in Turkey. In addition to existing collections, Decofire brings a unique line to architecture by making personalized fireplace designs, projects and applications. Expectations Decofire, which wants to transform the classical understanding into engineering understanding, has proven its quality with CE, DIN Plus, HR Plus, Flamme Verte International certificates. 02 engineering The understanding of quality in design, engineering, technical service and quality has been adopted as the basic philosophy and as a natural result, many of its models have been deemed worthy of design awards and have found a place in the most magnificent venues of the world. Decofire will continue to bring world brands that bring brand new dimensions to the sector to Turkey. 04 portfolio Decofire, which started to import fireplace inserts that can work with natural gas and LPG fuels in 2007, has completed the approval process by İgdaş and other gas distribution organizations and started selling its approved Natural Gas Fireplace collection throughout Turkey. Its references, which it carries out in collaboration with Turkey's most distinguished architects, include boutique hotels, mansions, villa projects and many other individual housing projects are included. Türkiye Exclusive Brands we distribute and represent FOCUS CREATION France /Wood and gas fireplaces M-DESIGN Belgium /Wood and gas fireplaces PIAZZETTA Italy /Wood burning fireplaces /Stoves ECOSMARTFIRE Australia /Ethanol fireplaces CINIER France /Design stone radiators Towel radiators HOEFATS Germany /Desktop fireplaces/ Fire bowls /Barbecues DELIVITA Britain /Pizza Ovens EVONIC Britain /Electric Fireplaces HEATSAIL Belgium /Outdoor heaters BOLEY Holland /Custom made architectural fireplaces MONOLITH Germany /Functional barbecues SUNWOOD Holland/Tube outdoor heaters Awards Our products have been deemed worthy of many international awards in the places where they are exhibited. Design Technology Eco-friendly Best artist-craftsman in the Languedoc-Roussillon region (1976) Selected for the Premio Design Italiano (Rome 1992) Design and Innovation award winner (Toulouse 1993) National Prize for Creation, awarded by the French Trade Minister (Paris 1995) Innovation Prize at the Batimat trade show (Paris 1999) Export Award at ‘Avenir 2000’ (Paris 2000) Selected by Norman Foster and Associates (London 2000) First prize ‘Concours de l’Excellence’ by the Chamber of Trades (Montpellier 2001) 3 Gold ‘Trophées du Design’ at the Batimat trade show (Paris 2001, 1997, 1994) Selected as one of the ‘Top 100 best French companies’ (first in Languedoc-Roussillon) (L’Entreprise magazine, July 2003) Silver medal at the ‘Concours du Design’ (Stuttgart 2004) 4 Silver ‘Trophées du Design’ at the Batimat trade show (Paris 2007, 2005, 1995, 1993) Winner in an online competition for (Germany 2009) Nominated for the ‘Observeur du Design’ prize (Paris): 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2017(Cubifocus) First prize for 'World's most beautiful object (Pulchra design awards, Italy, 2009) Nominated for the ‘Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany’ : 2010, 2011, 2014, 2017(Slimfocus) Reward for the “most inspired creation of Helsinki Design Week” on 2010 Superflame Prize 2009 of polish review Świat Kominkow for the overall achievement. Prix de la Performance - Journal "Les Echos" - Montpellier 2011 Star 'Observeur du Design (Paris 2002, 2013) Winner Interior Innovation Award 2014 and 2015 (Germany) Winner Reddot award 2014 (Essen - Germany) Winner of the German Design Award in Gold 2017 - Slimfocus Hearth & Home exhibition (Harrogate - Angleterre) Curvifocus: Winner "product of the year 2017" and "gas appliance of the year" Winner of the German Design Award in Gold 2019 - Boafocus Winner of the NAN ARQUIRECTURA in 2019 (Spain) – Simfocus Hotel Designs Brit List Awards 2020 (UK) - Focus EcoDesign Ready Fireplace « Highly Commended » NORMLAR VE ONAYLAR Norms and Approvals

  • MODEL L HEAT | Decofire

    Ekolojik, yenilikçi ve benzersiz bir ürün L HEAT MODEL L'nin daha kompakt ve daha güçlü versiyonu olup, herhangi bir montaj gerektirmemesi avantajına sahiptir. Model L HEAT, minimal tasarıma ve uygun fiyata sahip, her durumda Primato teknolojisinin tamamını içeren bir dış mekan ısıtıcısıdır. Siyah boyalı zarif versiyonu mevcuttur. Restoranlar, oteller veya özel teraslar için mükemmeldir; günün veya yılın herhangi bir zamanında donmadan açık havada atmosferik anlar için. Primato Model L sadece güzel bir ortam yaratmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda radyant ısıtıcı olarak rahat bir sıcaklık da sağlıyor. Yenilikçi ve patentli pelet piroliz ısıtma sistemi, yıllar süren geliştirme çalışmalarının sonucudur ve bu versiyonuyla piyasada benzersizdir. Bir elektronik kontrol ünitesi sistemi ve dolayısıyla yanma/gazlaştırmayı kontrol eder. Bu, piroliz sürecini ateşlemeden kapatmaya kadar istikrarlı ve güvenli hale getirir. 6 mm çapında pellet kulanılması uygundur Pratik kolu kullanarak brülörü yanma odasına yerleştirin. Peletleri brülöre yükleyin ve hızlı tutuşma için Ecofire Gel uygulayın. Güç Bankasını bağlayın ve yeşil doğrulama ışığının yanmasını bekleyin. DÜŞÜK İŞLETME MALİYETİ Pelletin asgari işletme maliyetleri döngüsünü ekonomik, ekolojik ve zararsız bir yakıt olması, doğalgaz gibi regülasyonlara tabi olmadan, halka açık ve özel alanlarda dış mekanda (teraslar, sundurmalar, kış bahçeleri) vb. alanlarda düşük maliyetle kullanın. 29 TL / h 174 TL / 6h X 7.0 Kw MALİYET Primato Model L'yi diğerlerinden ayıran şey budur: Gazlı ısıtıcılara kıyasla yılda yaklaşık 900,00 € daha düşük işletme maliyeti 3 m ısıtma yarıçapı Modern tasarım ekolojik, ucuz yakıt (pelet), CO2 nötr Sigara içilmez Kamusal alanlarda kullanım genellikle mümkündür Alevin 360° net görünümü Elektronik olarak kontrol edilen yanma, stabil ve mükemmel şekilde düzenlenmiş Güç: 7 kW Yanma süresi: maks. 6 saat Pelet dolumu: maks. 7 kg Enerji kaynağı: Güç bankasının çalışma sırasında elektrik şebekesine bağlı olması gerekmez,

  • PRIMATO | Decofire

    PRIMATO PELLET Restoranlar, oteller veya özel teraslar için mükemmeldir; günün veya yılın herhangi bir zamanında donmadan açık havada atmosferik anlar için. Primato Model L sadece güzel bir ortam yaratmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda radyant ısıtıcı olarak rahat bir sıcaklık da sağlıyor. Yenilikçi ve patentli pelet piroliz ısıtma sistemi, yıllar süren geliştirme çalışmalarının sonucudur ve bu versiyonuyla piyasada benzersizdir. Bir elektronik kontrol ünitesi sistemi ve dolayısıyla yanma/gazlaştırmayı kontrol eder. Bu, piroliz sürecini ateşlemeden kapatmaya kadar istikrarlı ve güvenli hale getirir. Sürdürülebilir peletlerle ateşleme yapıldığında, işletme maliyetleri standart gazlı ısıtıcılara göre yaklaşık %75 daha düşüktür, bu da yatırımınızın kendisini hızla amorti edeceği anlamına gelir. Primato Model L, halka açık alanlarda da herhangi bir risk olmadan kullanılabilir. İhtiyaçlara bağlı olarak, daha büyük bir reflektör eklentisi (üst) kullanılarak ısının yansıması etkili alanın %90'ına kadar artırılabilir. Masa üstü aynı zamanda ayakta duran bir masa olarak kullanılmasına da olanak tanır. İki farklı masa tablası ve iki farklı çatı vardır. Ve güvenli taşıma için bir araba. İncele İncele İncele İncele Primato Model L'yi diğerlerinden ayıran şey budur: Gazlı ısıtıcılara kıyasla yılda yaklaşık 900,00 € daha düşük işletme maliyeti 3 m ısıtma yarıçapı Modern tasarım ekolojik, ucuz yakıt (pelet), CO2 nötr Sigara içilmez Kamusal alanlarda kullanım genellikle mümkündür Alevin 360° net görünümü Elektronik olarak kontrol edilen yanma, stabil ve mükemmel şekilde düzenlenmiş Güç: 7 kW Yanma süresi: maks. 6 saat Pelet dolumu: maks. 7 kg Enerji kaynağı: Güç bankasının çalışma sırasında elektrik şebekesine bağlı olması gerekmez,

  • References | Decofire

    Referanslar Decofire 2005 yılından itibaren Türkiyede seçkin mimarların, zevk sahibi son kullanıcıların ve verimlilik-tasarım odaklı kurumsal işverenlerin tercihi olmuştur. Bu proje portfolyosunun oluşumunda Distrübütörlüğünü yapmış olduğumuz Dünyanın en köklü üreticileri ile güncellenen koleksiyonlarımız, yurtdışında teknik olarak eğitilmiş olan ekibimizin teknik yeterliliği ve bilgi odaklı yaklaşımımız etkendir. Aşağıda bazı bireysel ve kurumsal refaranslarıma göz atabilir fazlası için bizi arayabilirsiniz. BIBLOS RESORT ALACATI PREFER DECOFIRE A first-class paradise located at the edge of the magnificent bay in Alaçatı. Byblos offers everything you need for an unforgettable holiday experience, from crystal blue waters to life-giving spa treatments, from the world's best dining options to surfing with the stars. While Biblos, Alaçatı's favorite hotel in recent years, welcomes its distinguished customers all year round, it adds a pleasant ambiance to its spaces with its Decofire gas fireplace products. ST.REGIS HOTEL ISTANBUL PREFER DECOFIRE Decofire Hotel Restaurant Cafe, which is a pioneer in realizing all new expansions in its sector, is one of the luxury hotel chains with its chimneyless fireplace collection. st. Regis' choice. You chose the models used Designed by the Turkish architectural bureau BIBLOS RESORT ALACATI PREFER DECOFIRE A first-class paradise located at the edge of the magnificent bay in Alaçatı. Byblos offers everything you need for an unforgettable holiday experience, from crystal blue waters to life-giving spa treatments, from the world's best dining options to surfing with the stars. While Biblos, Alaçatı's favorite hotel in recent years, welcomes its distinguished customers all year round, it adds a pleasant ambiance to its spaces with its Decofire gas fireplace products. ST.REGIS HOTEL ISTANBUL PREFER DECOFIRE Decofire Hotel Restaurant Cafe, which is a pioneer in realizing all new expansions in its sector, is one of the luxury hotel chains with its chimneyless fireplace collection. st. Regis' choice. You chose the models used Designed by the Turkish architectural bureau Below are some of our corporate and individual references for our models chosen by the design world, architects and end users. Şile Kızılcaköy PIN ARCHITECTS Model.Ergofocus Glass Bodrum YEŞİM KOZANLI ARCHITECTS Model.Ergofocus Republic of Turkey Presidential Complex / Ankara Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Çankaya Mansion / ANKARA Tarabya Mansion of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey / ISTANBUL Azerbaijan Zagulba Presidential Palace / BAKU Kazakhstan Presidential Summer Residence / ANTALYA Presidential Palace of Uzbekistan / TASHKENT Turkish Consulate General of Mongolia / ULAN BATOR TR Former President Mr. Abdullah Gul Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim / QATAR Mr. Tansu Ciller Mr. Omer KOÇ Mr. Yalcin SABANCI Ms. Arzu SABANCI Mr. Demir SABANCI Mr. Nur SABANCI Ms. Sevil SABANCI Mr. Oguz CARMIKLI Mr. Hakan CARMIKLI Mr. Ferit ŞAHENK Mr. Sinan TARA Mr. Mehmet TARA Mr. Serdar Bilgili Mr. Erman ILICAK Mr. Yilmaz ULUSOY - Arnavutkoy - Istanbul Mr. Abdullah KIGILI - Hayat Holding - Camlica Mr. Niyazi ÖNEN - Dardanel Companies Group Mr. Suleyman SAZAK - Mr. Lucien ARKAS - Arkas Holding - Izmir Mr. Tansa MERMERCI-Vaniköy Mr. Yildirim DEMIROREN Mr. Mark Masis - Cubuklu Valley Mr. Adnan POLAT - İbrahim Polat Holding - Istanbul Mr. Fatih TERİM - Kireçburnu - Istanbul Mr. Acun Ilıcalı-İstinye Mr. Murat Ozgorkey Mr. Adil KONUKOĞLU - Sanko Holding - Gaziantep Mr. Ralf Tezman - Istanbul Mr. Adnan SEN Ms. Yasemin MASIS Mr. Vedat OFLAZ - Oflaz Group of Companies Mr. Sedat ÖZGÜR - Kale Industry Holding Mr. Mete DUREN - Kemer Country Mr. Hasan ÇOBAN - Şölen Chocolate - Gaziantep Mr. Suat GÜNSEL - Near East Holding - Cyprus Mr. Han TÜMERTEKİN - Assos Mr. Okan BAYULGEN - Istanbul Mr. Baran SUZER - Süzer Plaza - Istanbul Mr. Aykut KOCAMAN - Kandilli - Istanbul Mr. Emre BELEZOĞLU Mr. Sadettin SARAN

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